Select a command to get help. Then, click apply to execute it.
If one track is selected, the command will apply only to this track.
Else the command will apply to all tracks.
Duplicate the track.
Revert the track points order.
The last point becomes the first, etc.
Only points coordinates and elevation are kept after the operation.
Create a new track by merging all tracks.
Each track will appear as a segment in the merged track.
The order of the merge is the same as in the table. Points times are kept only if all tracks
have time data and are chronologically sorted.
Merge all track segments into one segment.
All data (time, elevation, ...) is preserved.
Reduce the number of track points.
The result's count may be lower than requested but never higher.
Reduce the number of track points to get a file with the requested size.
The result's size may be lower than requested but never higher.
WARNING: this operation can be long.
Replace points elevations by the Google Earth plugin elevation data.
MyGPSFiles does not interpolate here but it gets all points elevations from the plugin.
WARNING: This operation is slow (can be several minutes). But the result is really good for
visualization on Google Earth.
Add points to the track to get a more accurate elevation profile.
For correction with MapQuest data, it creates points to have at least one point every 90 meters
in the limit of 1000 points.
With Google Earth plugin, this is one point every 30 meters with no count limit.
Set the same elevation for all points.
Increase or decrease the elevation of all points by the provided offset.
Use a negative offset to lower it.
Change the track start time (the first point time).
All points times will be updated with the same delta.
Date format: DD/MM/YYYY - Time format: hh:mm:ss or hh:mm:ss.SSS
Update points times to simulate the specified speed. Only the start time will not be modified.
Update points times according to the provided time acceleration factor.
A factor of 2.0 will change times as if the gps moved 2 times quicker. Use 0.5 for a movement 2
times slower.
Only the start time will not be modified.
Cut the track into segments where it intersects the cutter segment line - the red line on the
No point is added. No point is removed. Only segments are created.
Cut the track into segments where it intersects the cutter segment line.
And add the intersection point to the created segments.
The point can be added to the segment after the intersection (downstream), or before (upstream)
or both.
Convert track into the selected format.
Keep only points location and elevation
Remove all elevation data
Remove all time data
Remove all heartbeat data
Remove all cadence data
Remove all power data
Round points elevations to meter.
Note: MyGPSFiles manages, retrieves and interpolates elevations at the centimeter accuracy
Round points times to second.
Note: MyGPSFiles manages and creates times at the millisecond accuracy level.